Adobe® Creative Cloud® software includes thousands of uncompressed, royalty-free audio sound effects. These files have been grouped together by type and compressed into ZIP archives that can be downloaded using the links below.
'I want to thank you for bringing us your amazing Audition Presets 2.0. The should sell them in Adobe with the software. It is a must-have for everybody. Version 2.0 is just perfect. More voice effects (my favourite is the robotic voice and voice hot), more music and SFX tracks. Find your voice, and transform it, with voice effects. Subtly improve sound quality or completely change the character of a voice with the Adobe Audition voice changer software. Change how your voice sounds. Voice modifiers serve many purposes.
In this tutorial, we demonstrate how to use the Voice Changer Software 7.0 for changing your voice in Adobe Audition application. What is the Adobe Audition? Recording, mixing, editing, and mastering — Adobe® Audition® 3 software is the all-in-one toolset for professional audio production. You can select as many as you want by holding Command (Mac) or Control (Windows) and clicking on each file you want. Click open in the lower right corner of the window. This will allow you to import audio files from your computer into your Audition project. You will want to import both music and sound effects this way for your podcast. This video tutorial will give you all the basics you need to know to get comfortable with using Adobe’s Audition software. Learn how to use the waveform view to how to masterfully mix multitrack audio to get the perfect mix of music, voice overs, and special effects. How to Make Your Audio & Voice Sound Better in Audition.