
Shift partners with some of the fastest-growing companies in the world interested in hiring top veteran talent. Already know your future career path? Join our network of military talent for a chance to be introduced to our world-class hiring partners. An Engaged Workforce Works™ Fuel a workforce that goes above and beyond. Learn how OnShift helps attract, hire and retain employees. “What OnShift Engage really allows us to do is to leverage the information that we already have in the system to have better conversations with employees to engage them, motivate them and align it with incentives to retain them for the future.”. Shift–Command–Left Arrow: Select the text between the insertion point and the beginning of the current line. Shift–Command–Right Arrow: Select the text between the insertion point and the end of the current line. Shift–Up Arrow: Extend text selection to the nearest character at the same horizontal location on the line above.


The x-coordinate
The y-coordinate
A translation in which the size and shape of a graph of a function is not changed, butthe location of the graph is.
A translation in which the size and shape of the graph of a function is changed.
A translation in which the graph of a function is mirrored about an axis.
Shift A

Common Functions

Part of the beauty of mathematics is that almost everything builds upon something else, and ifyou can understand the foundations, then you can apply new elements to old. It is this abilitywhich makes comprehension of mathematics possible. If you were to memorize every piece ofmathematics presented to you without making the connection to other parts, you will 1) becomefrustrated at math and 2) not really understand math.

There are some basic graphs that we have seen before. By applying translations to these basicgraphs, we are able to obtain new graphs that still have all the properties of the old ones. Byunderstanding the basic graphs and the way translations apply to them, we will recognize eachnew graph as a small variation in an old one, not as a completely different graph that we havenever seen before. Understanding these translations will allow us to quickly recognize andsketch a new function without having to resort to plotting points.

These are the common functions you should know the graphs of at this time:

  • Constant Function: y = c
  • Linear Function: y = x
  • Quadratic Function: y = x2
  • Cubic Function: y = x3
  • Absolute Value Function: y = |x|
  • Square Root Function: y = sqrt(x)
  • Greatest Integer Function: y = int(x) was talked about in the last section.

Constant Function

Linear Function

Quadratic Function

Cubic function

Absolute Value function

Square Root function

Your text calls the linear function the identity function and the quadratic function the squaringfunction.


There are two kinds of translations that we can do to a graph of a function. They are shifting andscaling. There are three if you count reflections, but reflections are just a special case of thesecond translation.


A shift is a rigid translation in that it does not change the shape or size of the graph of thefunction. All that a shift will do is change the location of the graph. A vertical shiftadds/subtracts a constant to/from every y-coordinate while leaving the x-coordinate unchanged. A horizontal shift adds/subtracts a constant to/from every x-coordinate while leaving the y-coordinate unchanged. Vertical and horizontal shifts can be combined into one expression.

Shifts are added/subtracted to the x or f(x) components. If the constant is grouped with the x,then it is a horizontal shift, otherwise it is a vertical shift.

Scales (Stretch/Compress)

A scale is a non-rigid translation in that it does alter the shape and size of the graph of thefunction. A scale will multiply/divide coordinates and this will change the appearance as well asthe location. A vertical scaling multiplies/divides every y-coordinate by a constant while leavingthe x-coordinate unchanged. A horizontal scaling multiplies/divides every x-coordinate by aconstant while leaving the y-coordinate unchanged. The vertical and horizontal scalings can becombined into one expression.

Scaling factors are multiplied/divided by the x or f(x) components. If the constant is groupedwith the x, then it is a horizontal scaling, otherwise it is a vertical scaling.


A function can be reflected about an axis by multiplying by negative one. To reflect about the y-axis, multiply every x by -1 to get -x. To reflect about the x-axis, multiply f(x) by -1 to get -f(x).

Putting it all together

Consider the basic graph of the function: y = f(x)

All of the translations can be expressed in the form:

y = a * f [ b (x-c) ] + d

acts normallyacts inversely


Understanding the concepts here are fundamental to understanding polynomial and rationalfunctions (ch 3) and especially conic sections (ch 8). It will also play a very big roll inTrigonometry (Math 117) and Calculus (Math 121, 122, 221, or 190).

Earlier in the text (section 1.2, problems 61-64), there were a series of problems which wrote theequation of a line as:

x/a + y/b = 1

Where a was the x-intercept and b was the y-intercept of the line. The 'a' could really bethought of how far to go in the x-direction (an x-scaling) and the 'b' could be thought of as howfar to go in the 'y' direction (a y-scaling). So the 'a' and 'b' there are actually multipliers (even though they appear on the bottom). What they are multiplying is the 1which is on the right side. x+y=1 would have an x-intercept and y-intercept of1.

Okay. Consider the equation: y = f(x)

This is the most basic graph of the function. But transformations canbe applied to it, too. It can be written in the format shown to the below.

In this format, the 'a' is a vertical multiplier and the 'b' is a horizontal multiplier. We know that 'a' affects the y because it is grouped with the y and the 'b' affects the x because it is grouped with the x.

The 'd' and 'c' are vertical and horizontal shifts, respectively. We know that they are shifts because they are subtracted from the variable rather than being divided into the variable, which would make them scales.


In this format, all changes seem to be the opposite of what you would expect. If you have theexpression (y-2)/3, it is a vertical shift of 2 to the right (even though it says y minus 2) and it is avertical stretching by 3 (even though it says y divided by 3). It is important to realize that in thisformat, when the constants are grouped with the variable they are affecting, the translation is theopposite (inverse) of what most people think it should be.


However, this format is not conducive to sketching with technology,because we like functions to be written as y =, rather than (y-c)/d =. So, if you take the notation above and solve it for y, you get the notation below, which issimilar, but not exactly our basic form state above.

y = a * f( (x-c) / b ) + d

Note that to solve for y, you have had to inverse both the 'a' and 'd' constants. Instead of dividing by 'a', you are now multiplying by 'a'. Well, it used to be that you had to apply the inverse of the constant anyway. When it said 'divide by a', you knew thatitmeant to 'multiplyeach y by a'. When it said 'subtract d', you knew that you really had to 'add d'. You havealready applied the inverse, so don't do it again! With the constants affectingthe y, since they have been moved to the other side, take them at face value.If it says multiply by 2, do it, don'tdivide by 2.

However, the constants affecting the x have not been changed. They are still the opposite ofwhat you think they should be. And, to make matters worse, the 'x divided b' that really meansmultiply each x-coordinate by 'b' has been reversed to be written as 'b times x' so that it reallymeans divide each x by 'b'. The 'x minus c' really means add c to each x-coordinate.

So, the final form (for technology) is as above:

y = a * f [ b (x-c) ] + d

Ok, end of digression.

Normal & Inverse Behavior

You will notice that the chart says the vertical translations are normal and the horizontaltranslations are inversed. For an explanation of why, read the digression above. The concepts inthere really are fundamental to understanding a lot of graphing.


No translation
The +2 is grouped with the x, therefore it is a horizontal translation. Since it is addedto the x, rather than multiplied by the x, it is a shift and not a scale. Since it says plusand the horizontal changes are inversed, the actual translation is to move the entiregraph to the left two units or 'subtract two from every x-coordinate' while leaving they-coordinates alone.
The +2 is not grouped with the x, therefore it is a vertical translation. Since it is added,rather than multiplied, it is a shift and not a scale. Since it says plus and the verticalchanges act the way they look, the actual translation is to move the entire graph twounits up or 'add two to every y-coordinate' while leaving the x-coordinates alone.
This time, there is a horizontal shift of three to the right and vertical shift of five up. Sothe translation would be to move the entire graph right three and up five or 'add threeto every x-coordinate and five to every y-coordinate'
The 3 is multiplied so it is a scaling rather than a shifting. The 3 is not grouped withthe x, so it is a vertical scaling. Vertical changes are affected the way you think theyshould be, so the result is to 'multiply every y-coordinate by three' while leaving the x-coordinates alone.
The y is to be multiplied by -1. This makes the translation to be 'reflect about the x-axis' while leaving the x-coordinates alone.
The 2 is multiplied rather than added, so it is a scaling instead of a shifting. The 2 isgrouped with the x, so it is a horizontal scaling. Horizontal changes are the inverse ofwhat they appear to be so instead of multiplying every x-coordinate by two, thetranslation is to 'divide every x-coordinate by two' while leaving the y-coordinatesunchanged.
The x is to be multiplied by -1. This makes the translation to be 'reflect about the y-axis' while leaving the y-coordinates alone.
y=1/2 f(x/3)
The translation here would be to 'multiply every y-coordinate by 1/2 and multiplyevery x-coordinate by 3'.
There could be some ambiguity here. Do you 'add five to every y-coordinate and thenmultiply by two' or do you 'multiply every y-coordinate by two and then add five'? This is where my comment earlier about mathematics building upon itself comes intoplay. There is an order of operations which says that multiplication and division isperformed before addition and subtraction. If you remember this, then the decision iseasy. The correct transformation is to 'multiply every y-coordinate by two and thenadd five' while leaving the x-coordinates alone.
Now that the order of operations is clearly defined, the ambiguity here about whichshould be done first is removed. The answer is not to 'divide each x-coordinate by twoand add three' as you might expect. The reason is that problem is not written in standard form. Standard form is y=f[b(x-c)]. When written in standard form, thisproblem becomes y=f[2(x-3/2)]. This means that the proper translation is to'divide every x-coordinate by two and add three-halves' while leaving the y-coordinates unchanged.
The translation here is to 'multiply every y-coordinate by three and add two to every x-coordinate'. Alternatively, you could change the order around. Changes to the x or ycan be made independently of each other, but if there are scales and shifts to the samevariable, it is important to do the scaling first and the shifting second.

Translations and the Effect on Domain & Range

Any horizontal translation will affect the domain and leave the range unchanged. Any verticaltranslation will affect the range and the leave the domain unchanged.

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Apply the same translation to the domain or range that you apply to the x-coordinates or the y-coordinates. This works because the domain can be written in interval notation as the intervalbetween two x-coordinates. Likewise for the range as the interval between two y-coordinates.

In the following table, remember that domain and range are given in interval notation. If you'renot familiar with interval notation, then please check the prerequisite chapter. The first line is thedefinition statement and should be used to determine the rest of the answers.

y=f(x-2)right 2(0,7)[4,8]
y=f(x)-2down 2(-2,5)[2,6]
y=3f(x)multiply each y by 3(-2,5)[12,24]
y=f(3x)divide each x by 3(-2/3,5/3)[4,8]
y=2f(x-3)-5multiply each y by 2 and subtract 5;
add 3 to every x
y=-f(x)reflect about x-axis(-2,5)[-8,-4]
y=1/f(x)take the reciprocal of each y(-2,5)[1/8,1/4]

Notice on the last two that the order in the range has changed. This is because in intervalnotation, the smaller number always comes first.

Really Good Stuff

Understanding the translations can also help when finding the domain and range of a function. Let's say your problem is to find the domain and range of the function y=2-sqrt(x-3).

Begin with what you know. You know the basic function is the sqrt(x) and you know the domainand range of the sqrt(x) are both [0,+infinity). You know this because you know those sixcommon functions on the front cover of your text which are going to be used as building blocksfor other functions.

Begin with whatyou knowy=sqrt(x)None[0,+infinity)[0,+infinity)
Apply thetranslationsy=-sqrt(x)Reflect about x-axis[0,+infinity)(-infinity,0]
y=2-sqrt(x)Add 2 to each ordinate[0,+infinity)(-infinity,2]
y=2-sqrt(x-3)Add 3 to each abscissa[3,+infinity)(-infinity,2]

So, for the function y=2-sqrt(x-3), the domain is x≥3 and the range is y≤2.

And the best part of it is that you understood it! Not only did you understand it, but you wereable to do it without graphing it on the calculator.

There is nothing wrong with making a graph to see what's going on, but you should be able tounderstand what's going on without the graph because we have learned that the graphingcalculator doesn't always show exactly what's going on. It is a tool to assist your understandingand comprehension, not a tool to replace it.

It is this cohesiveness of math that I want all of you to 'get'. It all fitstogether so beautifully.

The shift key on a modern English Windows keyboard (above the left 'Ctrl' key)

The shift key⇧ Shift is a modifier key on a keyboard, used to type capital letters and other alternate 'upper' characters. There are typically two shift keys, on the left and right sides of the row below the home row. The shift key's name originated from the typewriter, where one had to press and hold the button to shift up the case stamp to change to capital letters;the shift key was first used in the Remington No. 2 Type-Writer of 1878; the No. 1 model was capital-only.[1]

On the US layout and similar keyboard layouts, characters that typically require the use of the shift key include the parentheses, the question mark, the exclamation point, and the colon.

Whenever the caps lock key gets engaged, the shift keys may be used to type lowercase letters on many operating systems, but not on macOS.


Keyboard of a German mechanical typewriter (early 20th century), with shift keys labelled “Umschalter” (“switch”)
Keyboard symbol for “Level 2 Select” (i.e. “Shift”)

Shift And Lift Meaning In Technology

The keyboard symbol for the Shift key (which is called Level 2 Select key in the international standard series ISO/IEC 9995) is given in ISO/IEC 9995-7 as symbol 1, and in ISO 7000 “Graphical symbols for use on equipment” as a directional variant of the symbol ISO-7000-251. In Unicode 6.1, the character approximating this symbol best is U+21E7 upwards white arrow (⇧).[2] This symbol is commonly used to denote the Shift key on modern keyboards (especially on non-US layouts and on the Apple Keyboard), sometimes in combination with the word “shift” or its translation in the local language. This symbol also is used in texts to denote the shift key.

Uses on computer keyboards[edit]

On computer keyboards, as opposed to typewriter keyboards, the shift key can have many more uses:

  • It is sometimes used to modify the function keys. Modern Microsoft Windows keyboards typically have only 12 function keys; Shift+F1 must be used to type F13, Shift+F2 for F14, etc.
  • It can modify various control and alt keys. For example, if Alt-Tab is used to cycle through open windows, Shift-Alt-Tab cycles in the reverse order.
  • In most graphical systems using a mouse and keyboard, the shift key can be used to select a range. For example, if a file is selected in a list, shift-clicking on a file further down the list will select the files clicked on plus the ones inbetween. Similarly, when editing text a shift-click will select the text between the click point and the text cursor.
  • The shift key can be used in conjunction with the arrow keys to select text.
  • Holding shift while drawing with the mouse in graphics programs generally confines the shape to a straight line, usually vertically or horizontally, or to draw squares and circles using the rectangle and ellipse tools, respectively.
  • The shift key can also be used to modify the mouse behavior on a computer. For example, holding shift while clicking on a link in a web browser might cause the page to open in a new window, or to be downloaded.
  • In some web browsers, holding shift while scrolling will scan through previously viewed web pages.
  • In mostly Pinyin Input Method, Shift key usually use to switch between Chinese and lowercase English.
  • In older versions of macOS (10.12 Sierra and below), holding shift while performing certain actions, such as minimising a window or enabling/disabling Dashboard or Mission Control, makes the animation occur in slow motion. For some animations, holding control will make the animation move just slightly slower, and holding control+shift will result in an extremely slow motion animation.

On some keyboards, if both shift keys are held down simultaneously only some letters can be typed. For example, on the Dell keyboard Model RT7D20 only 16 letters can be typed. This phenomenon is known as 'masking' and is a fundamental limitation of the way the keyboard electronics are designed.[3]

Windows specific[edit]

The following is a list of actions involving the shift key for the Microsoft Windows operating system.

ActionsResultWindows Versions
Press Ctrl+⇧ Shift+EscOpens the Windows Task Manager.3.1+
Hold ⇧ Shift + click RestartReboots Windows only and not the entire system.95, 98, ME
Hold ⇧ Shift + insert CDHolding shift while inserting a compact disc in a Microsoft Windows computer will bypass the autorun feature. This ability has been used to circumvent the MediaMax CD-3 CD copy protection system.95+
Hold ⇧ Shift + click close buttonIn Windows Explorer, closes the current folder and all parent folders.95+
Press ⇧ Shift+DeleteIn Windows Explorer, if pressed with objects selected, such as files and folders, this will bypass the recycle bin and delete the selected objects permanently. Alternatively, holding shift and selecting the delete option in the context menu of the selected objects will achieve this. Retrieving deleted objects after this is only possible using recovery software.95+
Press ⇧ Shift+Tab ↹Focuses on the previous object in the objects that are focusable in many Windows applications, such as the previous form control on a form in Internet Explorer.3.1+
Press ⇧ Shift 5 timesToggles activation of StickyKeys on and off.95+
Hold the right⇧ Shift for 8 secondsToggles activation of FilterKeys on and off.95+
Press both ⇧ Shift keysInactivates StickyKeys if it is activated.95+
Press left Alt + left ⇧ Shift + Num LockToggles activation of MouseKeys on and off.95+
Press left Alt + left ⇧ Shift + Print ScreenToggles activation of High Contrast on and off.95+
Press ⊞ Win+⇧ Shift+Tab ↹Highlights the last task in the task bar. Continue to cycle through the task bar with the arrow keys, ⊞ Win+Tab ↹ (forward), ⊞ Win+⇧ Shift+Tab ↹ (backwards), or alphanumeric keys (highlights the task that begins with the alphanumeric character that is pressed). Press Space Bar or ↵ Enter to open the task.95+
Press Alt+⇧ Shift+Tab ↹Displays a list of the tasks in the task bar for as long as the Alt is held down. Selects the last task in the list. Continue to cycle through the list by pressing ⇧ Shift+Tab ↹. Release Alt to open the selected task.3.1+
Press Ctrl+⇧ Shift+Tab ↹Selects the previous tabbed window in any Windows applications is that use the tabbed window control.3.1+
Press ⊞ Win+⇧ Shift+SOpens Snip & Sketch

How To Shift A 13 Speed Transmission

See also[edit]



  1. ^Rehr, Darryl, Remington No. 2, 1878, archived from the original on 2009-10-26
  2. ^'Unicode Character 'UPWARDS WHITE ARROW' (U+21E7)'. www.fileformat.info.
  3. ^'Keyboard Matrix Help'. www.dribin.org. Archived from the original on 2 January 2018. Retrieved 1 May 2018.
IBM PC keyboard (Windows, ANSI US layout)

My Shift 2 Is Not Working

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