
An electric control box mounted near the gate hinge post is the brains to the system. Automatic gate openers are usually powered by a battery. Leading provider of automatic slide gate openers and swing gate operators for commercial, industrial, residential use. Premium quality hardware and accessories for gates at affordable prices. With our Newport gate post boxes you can customise the front design with your own text and a motif. Our letter box unit is the perfect solution for mounting. The 4' Industrial Gate Box Hinge is crafted from galvanized steel and is an ideal fit for commercial and industrial chain link gates. Built to last and provide years of elite gate performance, these hinges are easy to install. They allow a gate to swivel 90 degrees in either direction. Gate Mounted Post Boxes These post boxes are designed to fit neatly into your gates or railings and are ideal if you are concerned about the security of your mail, but need it to be easily accessible to your postman. Front posting with collection only accessible through a rear locked door, each box is hand made in heavy gauge steel.

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Gate Post Size


Gate Post Bolt

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Gate Post Box

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Gate Post Bracing

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